Pataday and Alaway are two of the most successful prescription medications for eye allergy and are now available without a prescription!   Here is our current advice:

Good:  Alaway (Bausch & Lomb)  One drop twice a day, priced around $12 for a 10 mL bottle.

Best:  Pataday (Alcon)  Twice Daily, blue label, around $17 for a 5 mL bottle.

Pataday is also available as a more concentrated Once Daily, red label, around $19 for a 2.5 mL bottle!  2.5 mL is a surprisingly small amount.
For someone with mild symptoms, Alaway is a good value.  For more significant symptoms, Pataday Twice Daily is a great choice.  We rarely see the need for the more concentrated Once Daily, especially for those who get two drops on the cheek for every one in the eye!

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