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Latest in eyewear, lenses, & eye care!

Online Contact Lens ordering Update

Online Contact Lens ordering Update

Contact lens manufacturers have recently increased the benefits of using their individual fulfillment centers.  By going directly to the manufacturer instead of using a distributor, shipping is faster and they have increased the number and value of rebates.  This does mean the online software portals will change based on the lens you wear. Simply text/call our office […]



PreserVision is a nutritional supplement and eye vitamin that may help reduce the risk of progression in people with moderate to advanced age-related macular degeneration (AMD). It’s manufactured by Bausch and Lomb, and is the top doctor-recommended brand for AREDS.  PreserVision contains the same nutrient formula recommended by the National Eye Institute (NEI) and is available without […]

Lubricating Eye Drops

Lubricating Eye Drops

Having irritated eyes from low or poor natural lubrication is a common experience worldwide. Treatment starts simple and can become more complex depending upon the severity of the condition and how each patient responds to treatment. Our doctors have put together a list of recommendations for first-line artificial tear therapy.  They are available without a prescription online and […]

Allergy Eye Drops

Allergy Eye Drops

Pataday and Alaway are two of the most successful prescription medications for eye allergy and are now available without a prescription!   Here is our current advice: Good:  Alaway (Bausch & Lomb)  One drop twice a day, priced around $12 for a 10 mL bottle. Best:  Pataday (Alcon)  Twice Daily, blue label, around $17 for a […]