Our Collections
Custom Lenses
The way we use our eyes today is vastly different from how we used them even 5 years ago. With a significant portion of our time spent on digital devices like computers, tablets, phones, and smartwatches, many of us feel eye strain and fatigue during the day. Symptoms of eye strain and fatigue include:
- Sore, tired, burning, or itching eyes.
- Watery or dry eyes.
- Blurred or double vision.
- Sore neck, shoulders, or back.
- Increased sensitivity to light.
- Difficulty concentrating.
- Feeling that you cannot keep your eyes open.
One way to prevent symptoms of eye strain and fatigue is through eyewear designed to meet today’s visual demands. Based on your lifestyle and prescription, our expert opticians will fit you with customized lenses precisely for your needs.
For single vision prescriptions, we use Anti-Fatigue lenses. These enhanced lenses have the distance power for everyday use and an added “near” zone close to the bottom of the lens, optimized for the way you use your eyes. This “near” zone slightly increases magnification at the bottom of the lens, which helps to relax the eye muscles and focus more easily, relieving eye strain and enhancing visual comfort during up-close activities in a digital world.
Progressive Lenses
For those patients with a need for progressive (no line bi-focal) lenses, we offer the best quality free form progressive lenses available on the market.
Progressive lenses typically are for patients 40 years and older, and allow the wearer to see at distance, intermediate (computer), and near (reading), all in one lens. With thousands of progressive lens designs on the market today, it’s important to note that not all progressive lenses are created equal.
In the past, traditional progressive lenses were produced using a “pre-molded” design, and that same design was used for every wearer. While traditional progressives allow the wearer to see at all distances, they lack sufficient peripheral vision, and it can sometimes be hard to find the optimal area for each zone in the lens. Some businesses still use that design today to keep costs low.
At TLEA, we use the latest free-form progressive lenses, which are designed specifically for each wearer. Free-form progressive lenses use a computer-generated design that is based on:
- Your prescription
- The horizontal and vertical position of your eye in the frame
- The distance between the eye and the back surface of the lens
- The curvature of the frame
The result is a lens that provides clarity at all distances, a smooth transition from the top to the bottom of the lens, and the widest field of view.